Tuesday 25 December 2012

So...HI :D

Well this is my first post in this blog of mine!! \ ˚▽˚ / hahaha...
Okay...So now I'm totally lost for words on what to say O_O Sorry for my clumsiness.
The reason why I made this blog?
Oh it's just so that I can write some educational stuffs like a matured person and share some inspiration I got from my life cycle !!
Nah just kidding -____- I know it's a lame joke so just bear with it. So the REAL reason why I made this plain blog is just to write nonsense about my boring life I'm having.. If I post what I'm going to write at this blog at Facebook or I will be seen and described as a fool stupid idiot complainer. And neither I can post what I write on twitter since there is word limit Q_Q I write a whole lot bunch for your information lol. But there is more privacy here since you don't know me and I don't know you!! Haha ~

So that's it for my first post!! Hope you can cooperate with my bad grammar too ^^ .

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